MacGregor EMC

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The Living Word of God

We who have the Word of God so readily forget how powerful it is. We need to spend time in it to become familiar with It and its author. In Hebrews 4:12 we read, "The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Because we have so many Bibles around and can read them whenever we want, we take scripture for granted, not realizing what we have in our hands.

The verse from Hebrews just read says the Bible is living and active. How can that be? We see people around us moving, breathing and being active but how can the Word of God be thought of like that? The answer is that we must realize that there is a spiritual world that we don't see with our physical eyes! We can’t see the wind but know that it is there and that it is powerful. In the same way, we can know the Word of God is alive and at work because we can see the evidence in the lives that are touched and the people who choose to obey the Lord as a result.

This verse in Hebrews says the Word of God is sharper, 'than a two-edged sword'. A sharp sword could slice very accurately and deeply, but the Word of God, we are told, penetrates even deeper - to the depths of a person's soul where nothing else can go. It addresses our very thoughts and attitudes - why we do and say what we do.

When this truth hits home, we see how important it is to spend time in the Bible. In countries where the Word has been banished, people spend hours copying parts of scripture as they are able, even memorizing whole books! In Canada, our Bibles often sit on the shelf all week, untouched. We don't realize the treasure it is for so many people.

Whole lives have been changed by people reading the Bible. To see this happen, look no farther than the Gideons, a ministry that places copies of scripture in locations like hotels and hospitals. Places where people who otherwise may not come into contact with the Bible, find themselves with time and opportunity to read it. Many have come to Christ through this ministry, due to the power of God speaking through the Word.

We need to look at our Bibles like these new converts do. In a new light that allows the living Word to speak to us and through us.

As we feed on God’s Word daily, we will change from the inside out. Things we want to change about ourselves will fall by the wayside as His Word takes root in our hearts. Others will see these changes and we will have the opportunity to tell them why. If we read our Bibles in this way, we will be like furniture that is solid oak. Not like that made of sawdust, simply covered with a veneer. A difference in quality that is easily seen. In Acts 4:13, we are told that ‘people took note that the men speaking had been with Jesus.’

But also applicable to us is Hebrews 2:1, where it says, “We must pay careful attention to what we have heard so that we do not drift away." Do we spend enough time in the word for this transformation to even happen?

If you could see a picture of your spiritual body, what would it look like? Would it be healthy and well-nourished, or would it be skin and bones? Where are you at? Does change need to happen? Only you can answer these questions for yourself. But if you fear the worst, the good news is that the nourishment your spiritual body needs is easy to find. Simply open your Bible and read.