MacGregor EMC

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Making Space for Renewal

I’m looking forward to the sermon series that starts this week; ‘Finding Renewal by Refocusing on Jesus’. If you, like myself, are desiring more of the Holy Spirit, this could be a time of change and great spiritual growth in your life. However, you will need to make space for that to happen.

This past year has been an extraordinary one for me and my family in this regard. We have gone through a number of struggles that have really made us aware of the Lord’s presence in our lives and we have seen real blessings. Two examples of this: George’s illness and passing and Toban's brain tumour surgery. God’s peace and presence was so evident during both these times. We saw His provision and felt His peace. After George’s funeral in particular, when I was at home alone, the Lord’s presence was so strong and wonderful that I couldn’t go to sleep for hours. I had to pray. This time has created in me a deep desire for more of the Holy Spirit in my life. To the point that I wonder now how could I possibly live without Him?

Over the past year, I’ve learned the most important part of life is to learn to live in God’s presence, making time for him and recognizing when He is speaking to me. This has become such an important part of who I am that I can't help but talk about it and share it with others! Christ should be the center of all of our lives. I now know that renewal starts as we pray and seek His face. Making this space and praying like this can be hard work, but it is oh so rewarding!

In our country, we have been very blessed. People alive now have so much. More than most have ever known before. We have worked hard at improving our lives, gaining many conveniences along the way. There should be more time for the Lord now than ever, but instead, it often only seems like there is less than what we had before.

We need to make time for what we deem to be essential. We need to make time for God.

Sometimes I feel like the Lord taps me on the shoulder, saying 'it’s time to come away'. When I listen and find a secret spot to spend alone with the Lord, what I have found is that at the end of the day things always go better. I am always left in a better place. I never feel the time I spend with God is misspent.

Often, we put time with the Lord on the back burner. “I'll do it when I have time” is what we say but somehow that time doesn’t come often. Are we any happier having much, if it means we spend less of our days with God? In my experience, no.

As I read about revivals in years past and see how the Lord moved, I wonder if we are ready for such a moving of the Lord to come again. As we enter into this new series, I say we must ask ourselves, “am I willing to sacrifice time doing what I normally would in order to spend it with the Lord?” When God touches your life and asks you to give up something for Him, are you willing? Only in obedience, and in these kinds of sacrifices will you find His blessings. Will you find renewal.

I want more of the Holy Spirit in my life. I want to see many lives touched for eternity. I'm praying to that end.