Sunday Service - Jesus and the Rich Man
/Today, we look at Jesus’s conversation with the rich man in Mark 10:17-31, and see just why it is that we are warned so heavily not to let wealth tempt us away from God.
Read MoreToday, we look at Jesus’s conversation with the rich man in Mark 10:17-31, and see just why it is that we are warned so heavily not to let wealth tempt us away from God.
Read MoreToday, we look at Jesus walking on the waves in Mark 6:45-56, and learn a bit about who He is in the process.
Read MoreToday, we look at the Temptation of Jesus Christ in the book of Mark and see that while it is short, it has a lot to teach us about the nature of temptation and standing strong.
Read MoreToday, we look at the Transfiguration and how, in it, we see many reasons why we should follow Jesus’ teachings above all else.
Read MoreToday we look at Jesus’ use of Parables, and discover just why it is that as believers we are better off learning together.
Read MoreToday, we see Jesus in the middle of his ministry, take time for prayer and we learn how this relates to our lives and ministries.
Read MoreToday, we see Jesus teach with authority, cast out demons and heal those who are sick, and in it we can see the world to come.
Read MoreToday, Jesus calls the first of the disciples to follow Him, and we learn about what Christ calls us to, as well.
Read MoreToday, we begin our walk with Jesus through the book of Mark by looking at how His ministry began, with baptism.
Read MoreToday, we bring the sermons of the advent season to an end by looking at the peace of Joseph, asking what can it teach us about preparing for Christ’s arrival.
Read MoreToday, we continue the season of advent by looking at the joy of Mary, asking how it can help prepare us for the imminent arrival of Jesus.
Read MoreToday, we continue the season of advent by looking at the faith of Zechariah and what it has to tell us about where to look to see our God at work.
Read MoreToday, we kick off the season of Advent by looking at the hope found in how the Bible points to the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ.
Read MoreToday, Sheldon Giesbrecht is with us, talking a bit about what the Bible has to say about how we should grandparent.
Read MoreToday, we talk about a little of what the Bible has to say about our relationship with our children, as well as a bit about how that relationship can be lived out day to day.
Read MoreToday, we talk about a little of what the Bible has to say about being the best friends we can be, as well as we have communion.
Read MoreToday, Tyson Murray and Devon Hildebrandt of YFC the Hub are with us to give an update to their ministry, as well as share how we can draw closer to God.
Read MoreToday, we talk about how the Bible can be understood to talk about divorce, as well as how we as Christians, couples and individuals, should live in response.
Read MoreToday we have Kassy Schroeder with us, to both give an update as to her ministry at YFC, as well as shar with us on how we should think of singleness and how the Church has come up short.
Read MoreToday we look at some of what the Bible says about thankfulness, as well as why and how we can learn to live out more thankfulness in our lives starting now.
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