Sunday Service - Away in Prayer
/Today, we see Jesus in the middle of his ministry, take time for prayer and we learn how this relates to our lives and ministries.
Read MoreToday, we see Jesus in the middle of his ministry, take time for prayer and we learn how this relates to our lives and ministries.
Read MoreToday, Jesus calls the first of the disciples to follow Him, and we learn about what Christ calls us to, as well.
Read MoreToday, we begin our walk with Jesus through the book of Mark by looking at how His ministry began, with baptism.
Read MoreHappy New Year! Today we have our Christmas Service, where we excitedly look to the story of Jesus’ birth!
Read MoreToday, we talk about a little of what the Bible has to say about our relationship with our children, as well as a bit about how that relationship can be lived out day to day.
Read MoreToday, we talk about a little of what the Bible has to say about being the best friends we can be, as well as we have communion.
Read MoreToday we look at some of the big things the Bible teaches about Forgiveness, as well as look at how we can use these teachings in our own lives and relationships.
Read MoreToday we look at what the Bible has to say about living wisely, why it is important, and how we can start learning to live wisely today.
Read MoreToday is a communion Sunday. To prepare ourselves, we go through the Bible exploring the deeper meaning behind this ritual we do so often without thinking.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of the Ascension, and what the disciples in it can teach us about how we can best live our faith out. This week is also communion, so make sure to prepare for that!
Read MoreToday, we examine Christ’s command to love each other and one of the largest reasons why we often have trouble doing just that: politics.
Read MoreToday, we see why Jesus is called THE Great Shepherd and not A great shepherd, as well as see some of the implications this has on our ministry and our lives.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of doubting Thomas, seeing some of the things Jesus’ scars tell us about the resurrection and how we should live now as well. It is also communion, so have your elements ready.
Read MoreJoin us for this live recording of our annual Good Friday Service, in which we remember the passion of Jesus Christ and our role in it.
Read MoreToday, in our final Sunday of Lent, we look at what it means to be asked to go to the death for our faith in Jesus Christ.
Read MoreToday, we continue our short time in Lent by looking at the most widely known passage in the Bible, and seeing what it has to tell us about what it means to reach out to others.
Read MoreToday, we begin our short time in Lent by looking at the story of Christ's temptation in the book of Mark and seeing what it tells us about our own ministries.
Read MoreToday, Epiphany comes to an end by looking at the Transfiguration, which tells us a lot about what it means that God is with us all. It is also communion!
Read MoreToday, we continue our time in Epiphany by looking at when Jesus began to preach, only to be met with a terrible testimony.
Read MoreToday, Wayne Unrau is with us, sharing his favourite hymns to whet our appetite for his upcoming hymn sings. We also look at the story of Jesus’ baptism in Mark, seeing what it has to say to both “good” believers as well as those who are not.
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