Sunday Service - To Actually Be Righteous

In this fourth in our seven-part series on the Sermon on the Mount, we look at what Jesus has to tell us about what it means to be righteous, why it is such a problem to try to show off how holy we are, and what we can do to address this problem before it is too late.

A big thanks goes out this week to Jeff and Derek Thiessen, Charlene Sawatzky, Adrienne and Olivian Rempel for the wonderful job they did bringing the service together!


Scripture Readings

For the next three weeks we are going to be going through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew in its entirety, so feel free to read ahead. Other interesting reads on the topic that have differing levels of impact on the series to come include Kingdom Ethics by Stassen and Gushee (I have the 1st edition, along with the Mathew Commentaries in the NAC, NICNT and BCBC Bible commentary series. The advice on prayer mentioned today comes from the BCBC commentary.