Sunday Service - It is Easter After the Two Days
/He is risen! This Easter, join us for a special service filled with music and reflection on how the brightest time in all our lives came just two days after the darkest.
Read MoreHe is risen! This Easter, join us for a special service filled with music and reflection on how the brightest time in all our lives came just two days after the darkest.
Read MoreJoin us for this live recording of our annual Good Friday Service, in which we remember the passion of Jesus Christ and our role in it.
Read MoreThis Palm Sunday we look at the account of Jesus entering Jerusalem in the book of Mark, asking ourselves which side of the walls of the city are we on?
Read MoreFor the last Sunday of Lent, we look at the story of when Jesus met a group of Greeks, causing him to reflect on what would come next for him, as well as for us.
Read MoreOn the fourth Sunday of Lent, we look at just what all the healing talked about in the most famous passage in the bible can mean to the meaning we find in our lives.
Read MoreOn the third Sunday of Lent, Sheldon Giesbrecht shares with us the story of Jesus and the money changers in the Temple, highlighting one item personal to him to take away.
Read MoreOn the second Sunday of Lent, we look at the story of when Jesus taught a very zealous Peter what it means to pick up his cross to follow God.
Read MoreOn the first Sunday of Lent, we look at the story of Jesus’ baptism and temptation in the book of Mark, to see what it has to say about the passing of the torch of spreading the gospel.
Read MoreOn the last Sunday before Lent, we look at the story of the Transfiguration found in the book of Mark, noting the special role that the apostle Peter plays in it.
Read MoreThis Sunday, Elijah Windle of Rio Grande Bible College, shares with us by reflecting on what it means to live for Christ in this day and age.
Read MorePicture this. A Sunday service in full swing and someone runs to the front yelling. What would you do? In this service dealing with mental health, we mull over our response.
Read MoreAcross the world is the Anabaptist Church. This Sunday we talk about the words of Power Jesus spoke to begin his ministry, and what they call us to now.
Read MoreThis week we look at how Nathaniel comes to meet Jesus in the Gospel of John, as well as what the story has to tell us about sharing our faith with others.
Read MoreThis week, Circle Square’s Dan Ingram is with us to give an update as to the goings-on up at the camp, as well as to share some wise words.
Read More“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God because the Word was God.” This is the wonderfully deep passage that we have the honour of hearing our very own Everett Olson talk about in his first-ever sermon.
Read MoreAnd the Christmas season continues on! This week EMC Conference Pastor Layton Friesen talks about the story of Jesus, Simeon and Anna from the latter half of Luke 2.
Read MoreMerry Christmas! Christ is born today! Today the Thiessen family lend their musical talents to lead us and a special Christmas Choir in a wonderful service of celebration and Pastor Russell talks about Mary, the mother of our Lord.
Read MoreFor the fourth Sunday of Advent, we travel down the Road to Revelation, seeing how God calls out to his people both throughout history and today.
Read MoreFor the second Sunday of Advent, we look at the importance of repentance in readying ourselves for the coming of Christ.
Read MoreThis week begins the season of Advent, the time when we look forward to the coming of Christ. To kick off the season, Michael Bergen from Valley View Bible Camp shares with us both how the year has been for the camp, as well as his thoughts on Isaiah 64:1-9.
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