Sunday Service - The Temptations of Christ
/This week we are looking at the story of the Temptation of Christ, asking what it has to tell us about withstanding temptations ourselves.
Read MoreThis week we are looking at the story of the Temptation of Christ, asking what it has to tell us about withstanding temptations ourselves.
Read MoreIt is a new year and to start 2022 off right we held a sharing service to talk about what truly brings us hope.
Read MoreOn the fourth Sunday of Advent, we hear about when Mary met Elizabeth, ending with a song straight from Mary’s heart.
Read MoreOn the third Sunday of Advent, we hear about when Mary met Gabriel, a story that can inspire us to follow God in the face of adversity. It is also communion Sunday, so make sure to get your elements ready.
Read MoreOn the second Sunday of Advent, we hear about when Zechariah met Gabriel and learn about the power of hope.
Read MoreOn this first Sunday of Advent, we talk about John the Baptist, the Herald of the coming Messiah, and the message he brings that we should heed before the Messiah arrives.
Read MoreAbe Janzen is with us this morning, talking on the importance of recognizing it was not the spectacular that caused the growth of the early church but living together through the mundane that lit the fire.
Read MoreThis week we come to the end of our series on learning to read the Old Testament, by following the Israelites into exile and beyond.
Read MoreWe continue our series on the Old Testament by following the story all the way to the end and beyond, looking at what the people learn about who God is.
Read MoreToday we continue learning to read the Old Testament by following its story all the way to Solomon, looking at what the path to the monarchy tells us about who we are.
Read MoreWe continue on in our series on reading the Old Testament by following the story from Jacob all the way to Moses, looking particularly at what the Law tells us about who the Children of God are.
Read MoreCésar García, General Secretary of the Mennonite World Conference is with us this morning to share both what the MWC is doing, as well as what it means to be the body of Christ in a truly global sense.
Read MoreThis Thanksgiving, we kick off a new series, looking at how to read the Old Testament. This week we look at the origins of many books of the Bible, by exploring Genesis.
Read MoreSpecial guest speaker Richard Klassen is with us this morning to share his thoughts on Romans 8:31-39, a passage that has spoken not only throughout Richard’s life but also to us all in the world around us today.
Read MoreToday we bring our time exploring Christian Ethics to an end by finishing our look at the Greatest Commandment. In it, we learn the importance of loving ourselves when it comes to learning how to love others.
Read MoreTo wrap up our time exploring Christian Ethics, we begin to look at the Greatest Commandment to see how Jesus sums up how Christians should live.
Read MoreThis Sunday, we come to our final outing with the Ten Commandments, looking at why it is that we should not steal and the implications that this commandment has on our time, our outlook and our responsibilities.
Read MoreThis Sunday, in our exploration of the Ten Commandments we look at why coveting is such a problem, and how we should live instead.
Read MoreThis Sunday, special guest speaker Rod Brown shares with us on the ninth commandment, exhorting us to not bear false witness.
Read MoreFor the third Sunday of Advent, we tell a story to make real in our minds how repentance leads to restoration, readying ourselves for the coming of Christ!
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