Sunday Service - Live Your Faith with Martin Harder
/Today, we have Martin Harder, our very own MEMC homegrown former mayor of Winkler, with us to talk about the importance of living our faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Read MoreToday, we have Martin Harder, our very own MEMC homegrown former mayor of Winkler, with us to talk about the importance of living our faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Read MoreToday, we talk about what the Bible has to say about hope and why this message is a powerful one in the face of the existential despair that is all too common these days.
Read MoreOver the past two weeks, we were privileged to have two engaging young speakers, Linden Guenther and Dustin Penner, share with us what God has placed on their hearts.
Read MoreToday we look at what the Bible has to say about living wisely, why it is important, and how we can start learning to live wisely today.
Read MoreToday, we look at why the early church considered over-indulging as one of the seven deadly sins, as well as what we all should do as people affected.
Read MoreToday, we look at why Christians are called to live a life set apart, and by doing so, we learn a bit more about how we should understand passages calling us to this life.
Read MoreToday is Father's Day, and we find ourselves with a busy service! This includes a grad presentation and talking about what the Bible tells us about giving and tithing.
Read MoreToday is a communion Sunday. To prepare ourselves, we go through the Bible exploring the deeper meaning behind this ritual we do so often without thinking.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of the Pentecost, what it has to do with the story of the Tower of Babel, as well as what it has to teach us about how we should approach other Christians we may disagree with.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of the Ascension, and what the disciples in it can teach us about how we can best live our faith out. This week is also communion, so make sure to prepare for that!
Read MoreToday, Dr. Daniel Rempel of Providence University College and Theological Seminary will join us to discuss how we can better be the church for our brothers and sisters with disabilities.
Read MoreToday, we examine Christ’s command to love each other and one of the largest reasons why we often have trouble doing just that: politics.
Read MoreToday, we see why Jesus is called THE Great Shepherd and not A great shepherd, as well as see some of the implications this has on our ministry and our lives.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of doubting Thomas, seeing some of the things Jesus’ scars tell us about the resurrection and how we should live now as well. It is also communion, so have your elements ready.
Read MoreToday, David Kruse is preaching, sharing a bit about his own faith journey with scripture and looking at how the story of the Road to Emmaus has impacted him.
Read MoreToday, we look at the story of Palm Sunday in the book of John, where we see our Lord going to his death undeterred, and we ask ourselves, “Will we go with Him?”
Read MoreToday, in our final Sunday of Lent, we look at what it means to be asked to go to the death for our faith in Jesus Christ.
Read MoreToday, we continue our short time in Lent by looking at the most widely known passage in the Bible, and seeing what it has to tell us about what it means to reach out to others.
Read MoreToday, we begin our short time in Lent by looking at the story of Christ's temptation in the book of Mark and seeing what it tells us about our own ministries.
Read MoreToday, Epiphany comes to an end by looking at the Transfiguration, which tells us a lot about what it means that God is with us all. It is also communion!
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